About Just Jojoba Australia
Welcome to Just Jojoba Australia. We’re a small Australian company supporting Australian farmers by making their pure Australian Jojoba oil available to anyone. We believe in making this versatile and extremely beneficial oil available to everyone by bringing you Jojoba oil in it’s most natural for at an affordable price.
Just Jojoba Australia was founded in 2011 by a husband and wife duo that saw the extreme benefits in the product. Since then our distribution of the product into health food stores across Australia, as well as supply to the worldwide market has been inspirational and a real testimony to the amazing properties in our very proudly AUSTRALIAN GROWN jojoba oil.
In September 2012 we were accepted by the "Australia Made, Australian Grown" Campaign and are authorised to include this symbol on all our packing. This symbol shows the collaboration we have dealing directly with Aussie growers of this amazing crop. Purchasing Just Jojoba Australia ensures all money stays in Australia.
To ensure complete satisfaction we pride ourselves on using our products on family and friends before making them available on justjojobaaustralia.com.au. This allows us to offer 100% satisfaction guarantee for the lifetime of all our products.
At Just Jojoba Australia we hope you get as much benefit out of our Jojoba oil as our family has.